Spritual Life & Worship~Vida Espiritual y Culto
Lisa Cronin director of Music and Liturgy ~ phone 262-473-3143 114 ~ click here to email
Spiritual Life & Worship Committee (SLAW)
This committee gives direction to and nourishes the liturgical aspect of parish life. We offer formation to Liturgical Ministers and plan, implement and evaluate the Liturgical seasons.
Church Decorating and Ritual Environment
This is a sub-committee of Spiritual Life and Worship. Those who like to prepare the physical space of the church for worship based on the Liturgical Seasons and feasts of the church year are welcome to help. We meet as needed (following the cycle of the Church Year).
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is available by calling the priest at the parish office. People who are suffering from infirmities of age, chronic illness, addictios, mental illness, preparing for surgery, or are undergoing medical treatment are invited to be anointed.
Adult Choir
The primary focus of the adult choir is to support the assembly in song. In addition to leading the assembly in song, the choir also learns sacred choral repertoire to add to the sung prayer at liturgies. Everyone high school age or older is invited. You do not need to know how to read music to sing in the Adult Choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings in the lower level of Berry Hall.
Youth Choir
This is a great opportunity for Children in grades 3-8 to actively participate and role model as they lead the congregation in song at various liturgies throughout the year. All children are welcome. Rehearsals run from mid-September to mid-May.
The role of the cantor is to lead the sung worship of the congregation. Vocal music leadership is essential.
Adult Handbell Choir
The adult handbell choir adds to the musical accompaniment at liturgies. The choir is composed of 7 to 11 ringers. The ability to read music is essential. Rehearsals are Thursdays in the church. This ensemble is by audition.
Instruments are used to accompany and enhance the sung prayer at Mass. Periodically small ensembles (i.e. brass, string, or mixed ensembles) are used to add to the accompaniment as well. Instrumentalists are encouraged to come forward. If you are unsure whether or not the music matches your level or ability, call us and we will help answer your questions.
Percussion Instruments
The parish owns a variety of percussion instruments. These rhythm instruments are waiting for beat keeps to step forward to play them. You do not need to read music but the ability to keep a steady beat is a must.
Acolyte (Server)
The role of the Acolyte is to prepare and set up and clean up for the liturgy as well as Assist the presider during the liturgy. Acolytes need to have a good sense of the flow of the Liturgy to be able to be ready to assist as needed. Formation will be provided.
Lector (Reader)
The role of the Lector is to Proclaim the scriptures of liturgy. Practicing the readings before arriving at church is essential to the role of proclaiming the scriptures.
Eucharistic Minister for Liturgy
The Eucharistic Minister assists with the distribution of communion. They also take an active role in cleaning the vessels after the Liturgy. Eucharistic Ministers are asked to have been Baptized and Confirmed (or in the process of Confirmation).
Eucharistic Minister to the Sick or Homebound
This ministry links those parishioners who cannot attend mass to the church community through shared Eucharist, prayer, conversation, and information.
Ministers of Hospitality – Ushers
This ministry consists of women and men who gather the collection, enlist volunteers to bring up the gifts, usher the communion procession, clean up the pews and church after Liturgy, and help to provide a welcoming atmosphere.
Ministers of Hospitality – Greeters
This ministry provides a welcoming atmosphere to the members of the congregation. By extending a warm greeting they set the tone of hospitality that is part of the parish mission. This ministry is one where all members of the family can participate.