Sacramental Preparation
Preparacion Sacramental Español
Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 4th weekends of the month. Baptismal preparation is required. We recommend that you prepare for Baptism prior to the birth of your child. Please make appointments for preparation with the Director of Faith Formation, Rick Rupprecht at (262) 473-3143 x119 or by email at
Registration form for Baptism English Espanol
First Reconciliation in normally celebrated in 2nd Grade prior to First Communion. All children must regularly attend Religious Education Classes for two years prior to preparation and receiving the sacrament. Older children and youth are prepared to receive First Reconciliation by taking a class on the sacraments in addition to the class of their grade level.
First Communion is normally celebrated in 2nd Grade during the month of April or May. All children must regularly attend Religious Education classes for two years prior to preparation and receiving the sacrament. Older children and youth are prepared to receive First Communion by taking an extra class on the sacraments in addition to the class of their grade level.
Preparation is held during Religious Education classes for two years prior to preparation and receiving the sacrament. Youth are normally confirmed in Grades 11 and 12. Youth are expected to participate in service projects and a retreat. Click here for the guidelines for Sponsors (English and Spanish)
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an opportunity for adults to become baptized, confirmed, and/or receive First Communion in the Catholic Church. This annual program runs September through the Easter season. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you are interested in entering the RCIA process or in learning more about it.
Anointing of the Sick is available by calling the priest at the parish office. People who are suffering from infirmities of age, chronic illness, addictions, mental illness, preparing for surgery, or are undergoing medical treatment are invited to be anointed.